
SimplyNCgoods Online Store Has a New Look

The SimplyNCgoods Online Store has an updated look!  

Building websites and creating user-friendly online purchasing experiences is one of the many tasks of a small business owner.  That’s no different for SimplyNCgoods.  

Image includes scrrenshot of updated SimplyNCgoods online store and title of blog post.

Gabriel has been putting in many hours of work behind the scenes to create an updated version of our online store.  The visual appeal is noticeable as soon as you click that link to visit the online store.  We hope that the user experience is a smooth one as well.  

You’ll notice that the front page of the online store shows the sizes of boxes that are available – Classic and Mini.  Each of these images is clickable to take you directly to your options to purchase that size SimplyNCgoods box.  

The Classic Box features products from 5-7 NC-based small businesses or artisans.  Each quarterly Classic Box has an approximate value of $60-$75 worth of products.  Some of these products are special editions created just for SimplyNCgoods.  At a cost of only $50 (taxes and shipping included), the Classic SimplyNCgoods Box is the best way to learn about multiple products available in North Carolina!

Image of a white box with SimplyNCgoods printed on the front.  Contents of box include a bottle of sauce, a packet of seasoning mix, a printed tea towel, a bundle of notecards, and wooden keychain in the shape of North Carolina.

You can purchase one Classic Box, or purchase a multi-box subscription.  SimplyNCgoods boxes ship the first Monday of February, May, August, and November.  Orders close on the 15th of the month prior to shipping – so January 15th, April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th.  Your first box will ship with the next quarterly shipment.  

Screensbot of SimplyNCgoods Online store, showing SimplyNCgoods boxes in quantities of 1, 4, and 6.

The Mini Box is another option for discovering NC-based businesses on a smaller scale.  Each Mini SimplyNCgoods box includes 2-3 items from small business and artisans in North Carolina.  Every quarterly Mini Box has an approximate value of $30-45 per box, yet costs you only $25 (with taxes and shipping included).  The Mini Box is a great way to discover some of the unique products that NC has to offer on a smaller scale than the Classic Box.  

White box is opened and has printed on the front.  The contents of the box are a jar of sauce, a bundle of notecards, and a printed tea towel.

Mini SimplyNCgoods boxes are available to purchase as one box, or as a multi-box subscription.  The ordering and shipping schedule for the Mini Box is the same as the Classic Box.  

We invite you to head over to the updated SimplyNCgoods Online Store and place your order knowing that you are supporting multiple small businesses and getting some great NC-made products delivered directly to your door.  

SimplyNCgoods is a quarterly subscription box service that brings unique products made by NC-based small businesses and artisans directly to your door. Learn more at and be sure to follow along on Facebook and Instagram.

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