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Frequently Asked QUESTIONS

Q. How did SimplyNCgoods come to be?

SimplyNCgoods came from a passion for supporting local businesses and sharing the unique products created by North Carolinians with others. Check out “Our Story” to learn more about the history of SimplyNCgoods.

Q. What kind of items can I expect in my curated box?

Each box is unique, and we do our best to include a wide variety of items. Some possibilities include snacks, candles, seasonings or sauces, greeting cards, stickers, and home goods. We’re open to including all types of items crafted in NC and able to be shipped. If you’ve got ideas for items to include, let us know. If you know an NC-based artisan, send them our way.

Q. What if I only want to send the holiday-themed box that arrives in November as a gift closer to the Christmas Holiday?

That’s no problem. The order form will provide options to choose that your order is a gift, as well as to choose your shipping date for the holiday-themed gift box.  If you have any other questions, you can also reach us via email at

Q. How can I let you know about a product I'd like you to consider for a future box?

If you know of an NC-based artisan who creates something you think would be a great fit for a future box, you can contact us and let us know or send them to our Artisan page so they can share their info.

If you are an artisan in North Carolina, head over to our Artisan page and complete our interest form to let us know about your business.

Q. What if I have a question that's not answered here?

You can always contact us with any questions or concerns. 

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